The Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards celebrate the finest children’s titles from independent and traditional authors, illustrators, and publishers. This page provides essential information on eligibility, the judging process, and how to submit your work. Here, you’ll find detailed submission guidelines, entry fees, deadlines, and all the key information you need to navigate the awards process successfully. Dive in and discover how to showcase your remarkable contributions to children’s literature!
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Everything You Need to Know
Authors, illustrators, publishers, and self-publishers of children's books written in English and Spanish are welcome to enter. Authors and illustrators may submit their own books.
Books published with a copyright date between 2023-2025 are eligible. While the contest is for published books, an ISBN is not required. Galley copies may be submitted if finished copies are not yet available. eBooks are eligible in our eBook categories and can also be entered in regular subject categories, where they will be judged alongside print books.
There are two ways to enter the awards:
1. Online: Enter and pay by credit card at here.
2. By Mail: Print and fill out the entry form, then send it with your payment by check.
All entries must be submitted online or postmarked by the final entry deadline of August 28, 2025. A ten-day grace period allows books to arrive at our office by September 11, 2025, which is the start of judging.
You may submit a title in multiple categories, but an entry fee is required for each category entered. Please send one copy of the title for each category. Mail submissions to:
Moonbeam Awards
Jenkins Group
1129 Woodmere Ave - Suite B
Traverse City, MI 49686
Entry Deadlines:
Early-Bird Deadline 1: March 12, 2025 - $79 per entry
Early-Bird Deadline 2: May 14, 2025 - $89 per entry
Final Deadline: August 28, 2025 - $99 per entry
eBook categories are $55 when added to a regular category or the same fee as regular categories when submitted as an eBook only.
Once you submit your entry, we'll confirm it via email and keep you updated with judging progress and results announcements. So, be sure to provide a valid email address and add to your contacts.
Include your online registration receipt or completed entry form and check (in U.S. funds) with your books, unless they are shipped directly from a distributor.
Submission Requirements:
Submit one copy of the title per category entered
eBook files (PDF only please) can be uploaded after entry or sent as a gift from your distributor to with your order number in the subject line.
Audiobooks must be entered as a gift from your platform of choice (please do not send files). Entries and gifts can be sent to with your order number in the subject line.
All books submitted become the property of Jenkins Group and will eventually be donated to local libraries or charities. eBook files will be deleted after judging and announcement of results.
Judges will only see the book itself, so please don’t send any press kits, reviews, bookmarks, etc.
Judging will be based on content, originality, design, and production quality, with an emphasis on innovation and dedication to children’s health and literacy issues. Our panel includes experts from editing, design, reviewing, bookselling, and library fields. Three to five medalists per category will be announced around October 09, 2025.
Gold, silver, and bronze medals will be awarded in each category. Each winning book receives a medal, a personalized certificate, and 20 sample seals. Additional award seals are available for medalists in rolls of 250 and 1,000. High-resolution versions of the medalist artwork are also available for purchase for book covers and promotional materials. Preview merchandise here.
The awards ceremony will be held on November 8, 2025, in conjunction with the Traverse City Children's Book Festival, a family-friendly event filled with activities to inspire children's love of books. The festival will take place at the historic Traverse City Opera House and coincide with Shop Your Community Day, ensuring high foot traffic. Medalists and their guests are invited to attend at no charge.
I want to share how happy I am to have received the Moonbeam Children’s Book Award! On Sunday I was contacted by a Regional Museum, and have already fulfilled their first order. They’re very excited to have the book on hand for the holidays. I’m fulfilling orders daily, and can tell you that doors are opening as a result of winning the award. It does make a difference!
Mary Martin Weyand
2015 Medalist for Of Giants and Grizzlies (Write On For Kids)
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